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Time is precious

Restoring productive time to the business

Zero is the new mark of excellence.

Digital Adoption Advisor uses its proprietary TaskZeroing™ methodology to eliminate wasted time spent on digital tasks, enhancing organization-wide productivity and unlocking

Our trusted, vendor-agnostic approach delves deep into each digital task and process to eliminate wasted time and boost organizational productivity.

Phase 1

Phase 1


Phase 1
Phase 2

Phase 2


Phase 2
Phase 3

Phase 3


Phase 3
Phase 4

Phase 4


Phase 4

Start the Countdown

2024 could be the year you start your own count down to net Zero time losses in both process and task time across your entire digital stack. Task Zeroing™.

Productivity restored
End-to-end process

Team DA CoE

Team DA CoE

We saved
1,987 Man years
with TaskZeroing

Process ID: Order to Cash
Period: Jan-Mar 2023

Productivity restored

Team HR Global

Team HR Global

We saved
34,656 Hrs
with Task Zeroing

App ID: Workday HCM
Period: May-Sept 2023

High Productivity

Team DA CoE

Team DA CoE

We saved
@Zero in H124
with Task Zeroing

App ID: Salesforce CRM
Period: Jan-Mar 2023


Chefs zero their scales, scientists zero their apparatus, engineers zero their equipment, marksmen zero their rifle scopes. Zeroing is the method of establishing perfect benchmarks and then seeking perfect results based on those metrics.

TaskZeroing™ analyzes a task aim and sets optimum expected values with a ± range beyond which outcomes are rated as outside the (P)TZ range.

Accuracy of content, choices made, dates, times, quantities etc.

Speed of task completion.
Completion rates.

The level of involvement by the user.
Dis-engaged users might find work-arounds to finish tasks or even give up and lose confidence in the process.

(P)TZ target value sets and avoiding a single solution analytical false positives

Analytical data sets that measure rate of completion alone or accuracy alone or completion levels alone fail in two aspects: 1. They will not identify where non completion or slow completion can be improved on because they focus on one date set – two at best. 2. The cummulative and combined effects on speed, accuracy and engagement are often co-dependent upon several task features. Not understanding the multiplying effect of systemic failures can waste time and resources when process managers target only individual features of the process for improvements.

Before Task Zeroing

Before Task Zeroing

Task results, good and bad are spread across a wide range of largely unmonitored task outcomes. The fastest, most aaccurate and most engaging aspects of the task perform in isolation and are largely left to chance as to how effective they are. Support papers over the cracks where it can.

Before Task Zeroing


Zeroing in on the best of speed, accuracy and engagement increases each result outcome and has a cummulative effect. The more accurate the faster, the faster and more accurate the better the engagement and the higher the completion rates are, both for the task at hand and future tasks, trust and confidence in the process are cummulative.

Task Zeroed

Task Zeroed

Maximum speed, accuracy and engagement. Deviation from the optimal range is minimised. Support from outside the task is made redundant.

Task Zeroed

Support time & expense

UnZeroed tasks leak time but they also increrase the loss of revenue spent on unnecessary support. When a task can be completed quickly and accurately by the user support isredundant. In task help is built in (Maximal Dev), ensuring that the user can get an answer to a problem immediately. The perfect solution is to have an automated process that requires the minimum user input.