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Digital adoption strategy services

Expanding your digital adoption teams with the right people with the right knowledge, experience and skills. Right place, right time.

The best people, can be your people.

We offer digital adoption advisory services

for companies that are

Deploying B2B/B2C business applications and want to develop a digital adoption strategy

Implementing a digital adoption strategy across their entire technology stack

Considering advanced automation RPA, conversational AI & chatbots

Learning how to measure business value from digital investments

Exploring digital task mining to drive process excellence

In need of a digital adoption current state assessment

The Digital Adoption Centre of Excellence is an organizations accelerator for process excellence and the impetus for successful digital transformation. It can be accountable for demonstrating value across all the technologies used in an organization.

The CSA service analyzes the current state of the digital adoption landscape within an organization. We focus on the adoption solutions already deployed, the applications supported, toolset configurations, data integrity and value to the organization. The output from the CSA will inform the Global Digital Adoption Strategy.

Global Digital Adoption Strategy

is used to develop of a global digital adoption strategy which will measure and manage value back to the business.

Consistency drives better user experience
In 2022, Gartner stated “By 2025, 70% of organizations will use digital adoption solutions across the entire technology stack to overcome still insufficient application user experience”. Digital Adoption Advisors FTS service supports the planning, implementation and management of a full tech stack digital adoption solution. Learn more here.